The Frankie Instant Recommendations API allows shoppers to interactively refine their product search, in real-time, with feedback the shopper provides. This allows the shopper to quickly view the products that hold the highest interest to them, in an uninterrupted shopping flow.
How does it work
The number of products displayed does not change. When the shopper clicks a like, the displayed products refresh:
- Products that are similar to what is liked are added
- Products that are dissimilar to what is liked are removed
The shopper can continue to refine their search with additional Likes/disLikes.
API Example
The animated gif below demonstrates this API concept.
When a shopper clicks on the like icon (thumbs up), the products displayed 'refresh' to better match their tastes. The shopper can continue to click like/dislike until the products displayed best match what the shopper is looking for. The use of this API results in extremely high levels of engagement, shopping satisfaction and conversion rates.